Customers have 21 days from the date of receipt to receive a refund. This does not include shipping costs that may incur after your original purchase.

To return or exchange merchandise, please submit a request to [email protected]. You may return your purchase once you receive an authorization e-mail, which will include your Return Authorization Number. Attached you will find a Returns Form that must be filled out and included in your package.

Returns must be received in the same condition it was shipped (including anys tags or boxes in which it was sent, if it is a jewelry item) and show no signs of excessive use or wear. We do not accept returns or exchanges on items that have been damaged due to chemical or water exposure. We reserve the right to deny any items that do not meet this critieria. No returns or exchanges on custom or sale items.


Once your request has been authorized, and your return has been shipped, you will receive a confirmation e-mail upon the receipt of your return. From this date, please expect to wait at least 7-10 business days for your return to process. Please note that your banking institution may require additional days to process and post this transaction.


Your Store Credit Code, or Returns Authorization Number if you have made a return, is required in order to use your store credit.

Purchases made with store credit will be handled through e-mail. If you have multiple e-mail addresses, please remember which address you used to make the original purchase and have your contact and payment information, as well as your Return Authorization number, ready for confirmation. You may contact us at [email protected] for your Credit Balance at any time.

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